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Sphinx Publishing Corporation

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The Sphinx Publishing Corporation was established in New York City to assume the liability of producing the The Sphinx magazine around 1930.

John Mulholland recruited friends from the SAM and the New York magic scene to serve on the board of the Corporation. The board helped offset any potential losses the magazine might sustain and made the business decisions. Some of the stockholders and officers of the corporation wrote and reported for the magazine: Milton Bridges, Bernard M. L. Ernst, Julien Proskauer, Gerald Kaufman and Elmer Ransom.[1][2]

They published a compilation of Theodore Annemann tricks from the Sphinx in 1952 called Annemann's Buried Treasures.


  1. The Shinx, riddled with magic by Gabe Fajuri, Magic magazine, March 2002
  2. Looking Backwards, The Sphinx, March 1941

Category:Books published by Sphinx Publishing Corporation