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Basch was a family of brothers that were all magic performers or manufacturers from Holland, later settling in Germany. [1]

  • Freidrich Joseph (March 24th, 1833 - March 23, 1877), commonly called Wilhelm, married a sister of magician Herman Mellini. He traveled to England, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Turkey. [2]
  • Ernst (November 21, 1838 - January 28, 1908) performed between 1860 and 1887. He was also a manufacture out of his shop in Hamberg, Germany. Inventor of the illusions "The Aerial Bicycle Rider," "The Bridal Chamber," and the "Bewitched Table." .
  • Heinrich (October 10, 1841 - June 1, 1876), also known as Henry, toured with a Phantasmagoria show, and later built magical props.
  • Jacob (October 15, 1858 - ? ) retired from magic to Antwerp to engage in the jewelry trade.


  1. History of Conjuring and Magic by Henry Ridgely Evans (1928)
  2. Conjurers Monthly Magazine Vol. 02 No. 03 (1907)