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Linking Cards

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A plot created by Paul Harris wherein the centers of two or more cards are torn out, then the resulting card rings are made to link and unlink à la Linking Rings.

Published Versions

  • (1986) Boromian Link, by Terri Rogers. A version of The Immaculate Connection published as a one-trick manuscript (sold with sample cards) by Martin Breese. Does not require gaffs but isn't impromptu due to an exacting procedure for cutting out the centers of the cards. The advantage is (to some) more aesthetically pleasing linking and unlinking sequences.
  • (1988) Linking Cardboard by Toru Suzuki. Published in New Magic of Japan (Kaufman & Goldstein, 1988). From the introduction (pg. 98) - " Instead of linking two playing cards together, the performer introduces four small squares of cardboard, each with a large hole cut out in the center. Despite the fact that there do not appear to be any slits, these four squares are magically linked together one at a time, then visually unlinked.
  • (1993) Osmosis by Sylvain Mirouf. A four-phase linking-card routine using only two cards that employs The Immaculate Connection as its jumping-off point, but quickly veers into more topological areas. First published in France as a one-trick manuscript, then later reprinted in The Art of Astonishment, Book 2 (Harris, 1996).
  • (1996) One Card Link by Sixten Beme, distributed by El Duco. The center of one card is torn out and discarded, then, from the remaining card frame, a new inner frame is torn out, whereupon the resulting card ring is linked to the card frame.
  • (2006) Hypercards by Andrew Mayne. Impromptu two-card method released as a one-trick DVD. Distinct from other impromptu methods in that the two cards never actually link, though the illusion of their being linked is perfect.
  • (2008) One Card Link by Ben Williams. A non-impromptu, one-card linking-card effect wherein the center of a single card is torn out, then the center of the excised piece is torn out, whereupon the resulting ring is magically linked to the card frame. The linked pieces can then be given away as a souvenir.

Other Variations

  • DVD Klink by Kris Nevling
  • DVD The Linkage by Sean Fields
  • Smoke Rings by David Forrest (uses one card)
  • Complete Card Link by Sixten Beme (mid-1980s)


David Copperfield performs The Immaculate Connection

Andrew Mayne demonstrates Hypercards