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The Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques (FISM) (International Federation of Magic Societies) was founded in 1948, and is one of the most respected organizations in the magic industry. It is an international body bringing together more than 97 national and international magic societies around the world, representing approximately 70,000 magicians from 49 countries.

The FISM is probably best known for conducting one of the most prestigious magic conventions in the world, the triennial "World Championships of Magic". The most recent FISM, the 26th World Championships of Magic, was held in Rimini, Italy in 2015.


The roots of the FISM began in Paris, France, in 1937, at a meeting of the 34-year-old A.S.A.P., Association Syndicale des Artistes Prestidigitateurs (Association of Prestidigitation Artists), which had a monthly magazine Le Journal de la Prestidigitation. The group's vice-president, Dr. Jules Dhotel, wanted the A.S.A.P. to produce an international convention in Paris in October 1939, and then proceed to have the convention in a different country each year. Plans proceeded, but when the Nazis invaded Poland in September 1939, the convention was cancelled. After World War II, progress resumed.

In 1946, in a hotel of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hosted an International Congress of Magicians, with over 300 registrants from around Europe. There were lectures, exhibits of antique books and apparatus, tours of Amsterdam, a public show, and a contest in which 20 magicians took part. There were no categories, so only one set of awards. First prize went to amateur French magician Jean Valton, for an exceptional routine of card juggling and manipulation; second went to Scotland's amateur magician John Ramsay, and third to a professional husband-wife duo, De Flezkis, who combined magic and dance.

The 1947 "Congrès Magique International" brought in 500 attendees from 18 countries, and 70 participants in the competition. Meetings at that convention were held to discuss the creation of a formal international organization, and that was where the FISM title was proposed. While details were worked out, the "Congrès" conventions continued annually.

The first FISM began in 1948 at Lausanne, Switzerland. Here were the results:

Country Name Category Place
England Willane Grand prix 1
France Jean Valton Manipulation 1
England Paula Baird Manipulation 2
Switzerland Zano Manipulation 3
Denmark Haakon Edeling Presentation 1
The Netherlands Van Dijl Presentation 2
France Dominique Presentation 3
England Burtini Invention 1
France Gaulthron Invention Prix special
France Rogello Allied Art 1

Gran Prix Winners & World Championships

World Magic Champions

2006 Stockholm XXIII World Championship

2003 Den Haag XXII World Championship

2000 Lisbon XXI World Championship

1997 Dresden XX World Championship

1994 Yokohama XIX World Championship

1991 Lausanne XVIII World Championship

1988 Den Haag XVII World Championship

1985 Madrid XVI World Championship

1982 Lausanne XV World Championship

1979 Brussels XIV World Championship

1976 Vienna XIII World Championship

1973 Paris XII World Championship

1970 Amsterdam XI World Championship

1967 Baden-Baden X World Championship

1964 Barcelona IX World Championship

1961 Liege VIII World Championship

1958 Vienna VII World Championship

1955 Amsterdam VI World Championship

1952 Geneva V World Championship

1951 Paris IV World Championship

1950 Barcelona III World Championship

1949 Amsterdam II World Championship

1948 Lausanne I World Championship
